Funds from a mini music festival near Tiverton will keep the wheels of a Devon Freewheelers Blood Bike turning for almost a year.

Staff at the Quarryman’s Rest, in Briton Street, Bampton, presented the Devon Blood Bikes charity with £510 thanks to the generosity of the town’s festival-goers.

The funds will pay for the cost of replacing two sets of motorbike tyres, keeping one Devon Blood Bike on the road for 10 months.

Richard Powell, pub landlord, said the festival funds of £1,020 was split between the Devon Freewheelers and the Devon Air Ambulance.

Mr Powell said: “People don’t realise the air ambulance and the Devon Freewheelers are totally unsupported by the Government. That’s why we have picked them as our charities to support.”

Russell Roe, Devon Freewheelers deputy CEO, said: “The generosity of the donation from the Quarryman’s Rest, and the Bampton community, will ensure one of our Blood Bikes can operate for almost a whole year.

“The money raised from the mini music festival will fund the cost of two sets of motorbike tyres, which is a huge help to the charity.”

“Typically, our Blood Bike tyres need replacing before 6,000 miles, and as a vehicle can travel between 100 miles and 450 miles a night, it’s not long before new sets are needed.

“The charity is so grateful to everyone at the Quarryman’s Rest, for choosing to support the Devon Freewheelers.”

The cheque was presented to Devon Freewheelers volunteer Mick Scaife.

The summer festival included performances from bands local to Bampton, and a host of family fun and entertainment.

The Toucan Bistro, in Brook Street, Bampton, donated £100 to the final festival fund, shared between the Devon Freewheelers and the Devon Air Ambulance.


1) Devon Freewheelers volunteer Mick Scaife is presented with a cheque for the charity thanks to the Quarryman’s Rest, in Bampton, near Tiverton. Photo: Jon Walker-Morecroft.

2) Fundraising regulars at the Quarryman’s Rest, in Bampton, near Tiverton, were presented with a certificate of thanks from the Devon Freewheelers, presented by volunteer Mick Scaife. Photo: Jon Walker-Morecroft.

3) Richard Powell, Quarryman’s Rest pub landlord, said the festival funds of £1,020 was split between the Devon Freewheelers and the Devon Air Ambulance. Photo: Jon Walker-Morecroft.